How to prevent fire from spreading

Preparation tips by:  Basic Elements    

Early Warning Can Save Lives

Smoke alarms are your first line of defense against a fire in your apartment.  By detecting smoke in its earliest stages, they give you precious time to escape before the fire grows.

Prevent Fires by Keeping Things in Top Condition

Faulty appliances and electrical wiring are a common cause of apartment fires. Here's how to keep your appliances and electrical system safe:

Cooking fires are a frequent cause of apartment fires. Here are some key practices to prevent them from igniting and spreading in your kitchen:

Safe Cooking Practices in Your Apartment

Candle Safety in Your Apartment

Candles can create a warm atmosphere, but improper use can quickly turn them into a fire hazard. Here are some key safety tips to follow when using candles in your apartment:

Prevent Electrical Fires with Smart Power Practices

Consider all your stops, your meals and any extra sites you want to stop at. 

Don't Let Hot Ashes Spark a Fire

Improperly disposing of fireplace ashes is a major cause of house fires. Here's how to ensure safe handling and disposal:

Stop Fires Before They Start

Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other smoking materials are a major fire hazard in apartments. Here's how to ensure they are fully extinguished and disposed of safely:

Have Fire Extinguishers on Hand and Be Prepared

Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other smoking materials are a major fire hazard in apartments. Here's how to ensure they are fully extinguished and disposed of safely: